PinnedSandwich Swipe: A two-year side quest to design a cozy mobile gameI’m the designer and illustrator for Sandwich Swipe - a cozy mobile game that landed on the Apple store’s Best New Games list in several…Dec 31, 202470121Dec 31, 202470121
12 Weeks of Remotely Interning for Atlassian as a Software DeveloperOver the hot Australian Summer of 20/21 🌞, I remotely interned from Brisbane as a software developer at the Atlassian Sydney office.Feb 23, 202155Feb 23, 202155
Applying for the World’s No. 1 Internship - InStepLast month, I commenced an internship in Bangalore, India, with Infosys’ global internship program, InStep. In 2019, the internship was…Aug 6, 201950Aug 6, 201950
Making your own student website can be as easy as baking a cakeRecently, I decided to put to practice what I’d learnt so far as a fourth year engineering and IT student and created my own personal…Feb 22, 2019981Feb 22, 2019981
What Australia-China Companies Really Want on Your ResumeResume writing can be a tricky road for new graduates to navigate. With so many conflicting opinions it’s hard to know what recruiters are…Jul 17, 201817Jul 17, 201817